Monday, October 13, 2008

Honestly didn't leave much in Tampa...

Mom's husband has been discharged and is now living at my gram's house with her. And it's not going well. Because he's your general asshat at the best of times. But now that he's got advanced Cirrhosis he's got no short-term memory, he's angry and scared and mom's taking the brunt. So, off I fly to my own personal hell. I miss Tampa in February when I'm DONE with the Seattle winter. A week will do me. The only things left there for me are a BIG HONKING piece of furniture my gram gave me and my mom. I'll be moving both out here to Seattle as soon as possible. *Sigh*

Anyway, just going to hang out with the Momster and see what I can do to get her some support. And oversee the talented soon-to-be cousin-in-law color mom's hair either purple or cherry red. Or both.

And Bastard, oh Bastard, where art though?

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